Show your business legacy by supporting higher education and the workforce of the future through sponosring a college scholarship given in your company's name. Also, individuals or groups may want to donate the funds for a scholarship in memory or honor of an important person.
- Business Named Scholarship ($1,500 and above)
- Scholarship in Honor or in Memory of and Individual (one or more donations toward a minimum of $1,000)
The Indiantown Education Coalition annually hosts a few signature events each year; sponsorship and donations to these high profile community events offers businesses an opportunity to demonstrate their endorsement and support of educational opportunity for the students of Indiantown:
- South Fork High School “Give Back” Football Game (Late Summer/Early Fall);
- Annual Scholarship Fundraiser Luncheon - "Share the Love of Learning"
- Other dinner or lunch events scheduled each year
To become a sponsor of an upcoming event, or to sponsor a scholarship in your business name or in honor of an individual, please contact Denise Lechner at 772-597-3383 / email: dlechner@bluestreamfiber.comor Janet Hernandez /